Home Essential Oil Jojoba Oil


Make : Coon Oils        Packing : 200 Kg           Price / Kg : Rs. 550 /-

Jojoba Oil: Research-Based Benefits For Skin And Hair

How Jojoba Oil Benefits You

  • Helps Acne
  • Reduces Skin Infections
  • Helps Wounds Heal
  • Has Anti-Aging Properties
  • Supports Healthy Hair
  • Moisturizes Skin & Hair

What Is Jojoba?

Originally, Native Americans used a mortar and pestle to grind the seeds to harvest their oils. Although we call it an "oil," the product of jojoba seeds is closer to liquid wax. As a "liquid wax ester," it is similar in structure to sebum, the waxy substance our skin produces.

Rich in triglycerides and fatty acids, jojoba oil makes an incredible all-around, multi-tasking moisturizer. Unlike some other oils, jojoba wax does not get rancid or rotten. That means one bottle can last a long time! It can withstand high heat, which is helpful if you apply it to your hair before using a hairdryer or curling iron.

Cosmetic companies refine it into a clear, odorless fluid for use in skin care products.[34]

Jojoba Oil Benefits

Today, jojoba is used mostly for cosmetic products for skin and hair. One of the best things about jojoba oil is that it does not irritate the skin.[1] In other words, it’s non-comedogenic and won't clog pores.[5] Here are a few of the most popular uses for this versatile oil.

Helps Acne

Jojoba oil is useful for acne, partly because of its similarity to human sebum, produced by glands near your hair follicles. Because it is so similar to the body’s natural oil — sebum — it tricks the skin into producing less. The result is less oily skin for those prone to breakouts.

Jojoba also reduces skin inflammation, another part of the reason it improves skin lesions, like acne.[6] Jojoba oil also helps increase the absorption of other topical medications; you can use it as a carrier oil for other herbal remedies or essential oils.[7] Try a clay facial mask with jojoba oil to reduce the number of pimples and improve acne breakouts.[5]

Reduces Skin Infections

There's a rich history of Native Americans using jojoba oil to reduce skin infections. They knew what they were doing: Jojoba oil has been found to have antimicrobial and antifungal properties.[8] That means it can keep harmful bacteria and fungus from spreading on the skin.

This antimicrobial trait means it’s useful not just for acne, which is often caused by bacteria, but also other wounds and sores. Jojoba oil provides a protective barrier on the skin, preventing infections from occurring.

Helps Wounds Heal

It turns out that jojoba oil can significantly speed up wound closure.[9] How? Experts have found that this unique oil stimulates your cells' ability to produce collagen.[9] Collagen is a protein that plays a critical role in your skin’s health, helping to hold skin tissue together.

Jojoba is also rich in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and protects your skin cells against free radicals.[10] You can use jojoba oil on minor scratches and irritations to promote healing. Plus, the antimicrobial properties will help the wound stay clean and avoid becoming infected.

Has Anti-Aging Properties

Jojoba oil is widely reported to have anti-aging properties. First, keeping your skin moisturized is an important part of any anti-aging skin care routine. But jojoba contains a healthy amount of vitamin E, which in itself is a popular ingredient in many anti-aging creams.

As mentioned, because jojoba is so similar to sebum, it can help your skin produce less grease (this is true in both hair and skin products). It even has a natural sunscreen of SPF4.[4] Keeping your skin protected from the damaging rays of the sun is an essential aspect of preventing premature skin aging.

Supports Healthy Hair

Some people swear jojoba oil promotes hair growth, but the jury is out. You can definitely use it as a carrier for other, more potent essential oils that help hair growth. Together, these oils work their magic on your hair.[11] If you're dealing with hair loss or thinning, try lavender essential oil mixed with jojoba.[1011] You might also consider a biotin supplement.

Jojoba oil is used by some to promote hair thickness and shine. It adds moisture to your locks, thus minimizing breakage and split ends. If used on the scalp, it can nourish the hair follicles. Being similar to sebum, it will not lead to greasy hair or a greasy scalp but can lend a lovely shine to your tresses.

Moisturizes Skin & Hair

Irritants, allergens, and toxins continually barrage your skin. Moisturizing can help protect your skin's natural barrier. Since jojoba oil is a liquid wax, it can repair damaged skin by creating an artificial barrier. And the great thing? It works well whether you have oily skin, dry skin, or a combination!